Case Study-Assessing Daylight & Thermal Comfort at Modern Houses
task requirement
formulate ideas on how to maximise daylight and thermal comfort for their chosen modern house
double storey corner lot or a double storey semi-detached house
include data collection, observation, and ideas to improve the current condition of the daylight distribution and thermal comfort
use some relevant phone applicationfor data collection
Submission :
Friday, 3 February 2023
When doing this group assignment, my group members and I compiled our work in the canva slide
From this assignment, I'm able to create awareness and understanding of designing buildings that respond to local climatic conditions that reduce the energy load of mechanical air-conditioning systems, and introduce environmental factors such as heat, lighting, and ventilation to achieve comfortable building designs.
In this assignment, I got to understand well about how to measure daylight using the lux meter on my phone and also the temperature of the chosen house using a thermometer. I was able to identify the issues of the chosen modern house.
As the assignment is a group work, I learnt how to communicate with my new members and got to know them well. I also learnt how to bravely share my opinion and also ask questions about the assignment when I do not understand.
As this assignment involves a lot of research, dicsussion among group members, and real life measurement activites, I minimize procrastinating in order to complete my work well and also make time for my other assignments.