Experiencing Place - The Discovery Center
task requirement

Project 2(a)
in groups of 15 or 16, distribute the given tasks wisely to carry out the site analysis
five (5) division of tasks to be completed
all item to be presented as a slide presentation
site plan, site sections, site model and the visceral board to be manually produce
Submission :
Thursday, 8 May 2023
Group task
The visited site for our project was the Blue Lagoon at Port Dickson
She-Qi was the leader of our group and we delegated our task among ourselves
I chose to do site analysis for macro and micro site along with my group member Grace and Wan Qi

Macro site

Micro Site
We have to distribute into small group (3 person), I grouped up with:
-Wan Qi
We listed out the type of analysis that needs to be done among the three of us and produce diagrams
Final individual task

I have to design a Discovery Center For Tanjung Tuan Forest Reserve
The design should be a standalone building (one building only) and it must be two (2) storey above ground
Identify, explore and emphasize the implementation of two
(2) “modifying elements of architecture” as part of the design.
Mock-up models
Mock-up model 1
Mock-up model 2
Final model and drawings

From this assignment, I'm able to resolve basic building construction, materials, and environmental considerations, produce and justify a design of a small-scale community building within an open/suburban context, following analysis
and exploration of the site, the user requirements, environmental sustainability, buildability, and spatial poetics, and communicate design through effective visual and expressive verbal presentation to peer, tutors, and architects from industry.

In this assignment, I learnt about how to conduct analysis about sensory and make it into a report for study. Besides that, I learnt how to do site analysis which is an important part of this assignment. Something major I had also learnt in this project is doing digital drawings and rendering.

As I'm required to present to invited people from the architecture industry, I had to prepare myself to ensure I can let them know what I want to express about the site, my model and drawings. I learnt how to present bravely and also using the right words in order for them to understand what I want to deliver. This presentation helped me to improve as the panelist gave their feedback.

As this was the final assignment, I struggled a lot as I also have other modules' assignments to rush with. I learnt how to manage my time properly although extension were not given. I did not procrastinate a lot and manage my time well to meet the due date. I pined up my work on time in studio.