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Sketching Analysis

task requirement


  • select FIVE (5) buildings

  • A4 Sketches booklet should be done in documenting the heritage buildings (COLOURED)

  • support the information using photos, notes and diagrams as evidence

Submission :
Wednesday, 6 July 2022


I chose 5 buildings which are Bank Negara Malaysia, Stadium Negara, Holy Rosary Church, Our Lady of Lourdes Church and Carcosa Seri Negara to draw

I did some research about those 5 buildings and also design layout test before doing the actual sketch on A4 papers

Planning and sketching


I did some planning about what to include into my sketch


For the drawings, I did tracing with my laptop


I added details of the building by looking at the picture and drawing them carefully


From this assignment, I'm able to employ appropriate visual and verbal architectural vocabulary when referring to building types, series and periods, and also discover the way in which many varied factors contribute to the development of form.

I was introduced to this completely new module and learnt many techniques on how to draw building sketches at the same time learning about the background and beauty elements used on Malaysia's historical building.

As they were many things to sketch I've learnt on how to manage my time wisely and the importance to plan things well beforehand for the  progression of my work to be done smoothly as there were many drawings that I need to produce although the time given for this assignment is plenty.

I learnt on how to translate visuals I see into drawings and I'm able to provide a clear understanding for viewers of my drawings by providing clear explanations and detail drawings I learnt from Youtube videos and google images.

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