Geometry and Form:
Architectural Design Elements and Principles
task requirement
choose a design element and a design principle
creating a tattoo stamp and later transform it into a model
workshop-based exercise
complete your drawings and models on the same day of tutorial sessions
Submission :
Thursday, 14 April 2022
I decided to choose plane and rhythm for my first tattoo stamp, I did some sketches in my sketchbook and showed Ms Yan Yee my progress and get some feedback during tutorial sessions.
Tattoo stamp 1
For my second tattoo stamp, I decided to go with solid and repetition after producing a sketch of the tattoo stamp.
Tattoo stamp 2
Tattoo stamp 3
And for the last tattoo stamp, I decided to choose line
and symmetry.
This tattoo stamp took me the longest time to come out with as I was quite out of ideas.
Sketches for tattoo stamps
Final tattoo stamps
Plane and Rhythm
Solid and Repetition
Line and Symmetry
Mockup models
Final models
Tattoo stamp 1
Tattoo stamp 2
Tattoo stamp 3
From this assignment, I'm able to produce design concepts through the process of exploring various sources and abstracting ideas, Identify key architectural design elements and principles and employ them in creating an architectural composition that demonstrates space-making and demonstrate satisfactory manual drawing and model-making skills to represent and communicate the design.
In this assignment, I learnt about how to draw tattoo stamps and model making by using design elements and principles. This is my first time drawing and making using different design elements and principles which will be useful for me in my future studying architecture years.
As this assignment has a short duration to complete, I faced time management problem as I got my materials late and also had problems searching for materials. Although I had a rough time making the model, however I still manage to complete my model on time. I learnt that I should have prepared my materials as early as possible.
At first part of this assignment, I struggled to sketch for the desgin elements and principle I chose. I did not have much idea on how I should sketch. After getting some inspiration from Pinterest, I managed to develop some ideas. I also take some time out to sit alone and think calmly about my model sketch.